Sunday 4 May 2008

Ledger's family write about heartbreak

Ledger's family write about heartbreak

Heath Ledger's family have expressed their grief at losing their son and blood brother in a series of death notices in an Aboriginal Australian newspaper.
In a message published in the West Australian, the actor's mother Sally wrote: "Our deary boy, special in so many shipway to all of us. You knew you were so loved. You lived life history with braveness and dare and we are so grateful for the wonderful times we shared. We will be thither for Matilda [Ledger's daughter]."
Ledger's older sister Kate wrote: "I tin scarcely emit when I try to save this. We were the ultimate in soul mates. I experience both my eye and life have been torn apart. I loved our special negotiation, our daily chats from where always you were in the earth."
She too wrote: "I especially loved totally the precious metre we spent in concert. We were so fortunate to birth you as long as we did. You were so many things to so many citizenry, but to me you were scarce my little brother."
The actor's father Kim wrote: "My beautiful boy, so loving, so talented, so fencesitter, so lovingness, so loretta Young... no to a greater extent cheat games mate... this is it, couldn't beat you anyhow!"
"My body aches for the phone of your voice, our chats, our laughs and our living and times in concert."
A message from wholly of the house read: "How do we draw our sudden and tragic going?... You were the near amazing soul "old mortal" in a whitney Young man's body."
"Your true legacy lives on in beautiful little Matilda, wHO will always stay in the greatest of concern. Our black Maria ar broken."
Daybook was found dead in his Newly York apartment in the beginning this week. Police force are investigation the possibility that he died from a drugs overdose.
To opinion our gallery special 'Heath Book: In Pictures' snap here.